Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Eric Liu
Otis (Eli)
Bind Mird (Jonas)
Anura (Orion)
Breac (Finley)
Reese Hale (Noah)
Bailin Howard (Caleb)
Carthage (Cade)
The Ouroboros of Time II (Akhior, Cahyali)
Plot Synopsis
Harrison and Tal/Em as CoGMs
The party discusses the pros and cons of joining either side of the ongoing revolution: either the violent revolutionaries fighting for the abolition of the caste system, or the upper class fighting to maintain order and safety for the city at large. Otis receives a vision from At'ena Obscura of Hakhel, the primordial aspect of life, wounded and pinned to the ground as a group of humans drink her ichor, speaking the words, “We are forever; we can see all; we will rule all.” Meanwhile, Huangdi goes looking for a draconic pearl that he had hidden away within the innermost wall.
Later, the party ventures to the Mar Sangi gate, where a memorial mural of yesterday's events has been painted up on the broken wall. Carthage starts the disco fever and teaches a few Yanrina how to boogie. Otis, Anura, and Benjamin cause a stir as they ride a motorcycle and zombie through town to the square. Bind Mird has a discussion with two scouts from the Anbar Azhoda, and arranges a meetup, in the same tavern the same time tomorrow. He also finds out that the Camerata only recently implemented radio technology, about two months ago. Breac and Kyrae talk with a Shinnean sailor who has been stranded here the last 2 months, at the behest of a Thothite priest that hired them last year.
The party tunes into their radio, and learns that the Camerata are still searching for the Anbar Azhoda HQ, and that their actions have not gone unnoticed (especially the disco and motorcycle). They hear that one of the Camerata's scouts are assigned to trail the party, and keep eyes on them, but to not engage as someone has informed the Camerata that the party is dangerous and should be neutralized.
The half of party that has been spotted earlier (Carthage, Anura, Otis, and Benjamin) leave the tavern and conspicuously check in at a nearby hostel. Meanwhile the rest (Bailin, Bind Mird, Breac, and Reese) teleport out of the tavern to remain unseen and unassociated.
Noteworthy Postgame Events