Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Zachary Evans
Chang (Cici)
Maris (Simeon R.)
Rik (Eli H.)
Gale (Zoe K.)
Sauri Vix (Jack S.)
Izzu (Daniel)
Remy (Ben H.)
Annabelle (Vincent A.)
Kataleuin Duet 2 - Pthora, Cahyali
Plot Synopsis
The game began with the party continuing to explore the secret library in Arkhivgrad. A very colorful cast of other readers were met, including an elder elf very absorbed in a book that accidentally smacked Gale, and a group of students that hit it off with Annabelle. The party gathered information on the three different suspicious persons they had been following and decided to split up. They drew straws for it.
Sauri and Izzu followed the red haired man, presumed to be Ony. After an accidental threatening, the man knocked Sauri out, leaving Izzu to deal with the man by using his words. Izzu, however, failed to convince the man to give information.
Chang, Gale, and Remy all went to an internal coffee shop. They saw two people in uniforms holding what looked like plans for the Dreaming Amplification & Meteorology Network. Remy and Gale failed a conversation, while Chang used his military knowledge to pretend to be part of the Ember Army and gain a glimpse at the plans. It seems the plan was to take place in Ley'Ork.
Finally, Rik, Annabelle, and Maris made their way deeper into the library, finding a door with a semi-weakened and or broken planar lock. They warned Makar about this, gathering the party together to explore the depths. Makar rambled something about an artifact but did not explain more.
In the depths, they found two strangers who kicked the party's collective rears, to say the least. Highlights include Annabelle's skeletons missing a ranged attack 3 feet in front of them, all of party's spells getting revoked, Maris having a heart attack, and one of the enemies taking control Annabelle's zombified father. The party ran, and as they did, the enemies revealed themselves as Adrik Tarasov, God of Knowledge, and Kostya Nerinova, Old Dreamt of Apathy.
Noteworthy Postgame Events