January 25, 2025

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Aegon Serpico
Robert Greenfoot
Zumwalt Thresher
Fresh Crackbreeze
Alastair Swiftbeak
Lux Urius


Treasure Hunting Havoc 2 (GM Plane)

Plot Synopsis

The party travelled through a light blue portal and arrived in a metal room featuring beds within the walls and a ladder heading up. After Zumwal punched through the trapdoor, the group encounters a pair of automata that resemble Kleemudor purebloods, who express surprise at having people living in a basement they didn’t know they had and introduce themselves as KP9-4011 and KP9-3154. After some discussion, the party learn of Mattas the Organic, an amazing inventor (and perhaps the only organic lifeform) according to the two not-so-bright automata, and that they are participating in the Cog Go 500 race to try to win the prize of 10,000 Ticks, screen time on TV, and an invention by the inventor. The party decided to aid them in exchange for a portion of the prize, and set off for the race in the pair’s admittedly poorly crafted ship.

During the race, Zumwalt, Ka’Wen, and Roche board and duel with automata on a speedy red ship, who still manages to defeat a dual purple ship before Roche steers it out of bounds. Alastair manages to sneak on a ship that turns invisible mid-race, destroying the steering mechanism and leaving it to fall. Blue used wind magic to ensure the ship maintained a faster speed, to guide wayward party members back to the ship, or to prevent incoming shots from hitting the ship. Aegon, Lux, and Fresh all took various shots at the ships, and Robert destroyed the propeller of a wooden yacht, reducing its speed considerably. Although they were unable to board or attack the metal ship, they were fast enough to outrace it.

After winning the prize money and undergoing a brief interview, the party learned that the mysterious invention was a device that created infinite steam; a power source, but not the one they were looking for. Luckily, Mattas the Organic had noticed that he was not the only organic, and confirmed that he had created the portal that led the party to this dimension. Furthermore, he had located the power source of the device, although it was guarded. He invited the party to join him in his workshop to discuss things further.

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