January 21, 2025

Game Master
First line of desc


A loose thread week 3

Plot Synopsis

Amperion, Nys, Lilly, Tareen, Tyr, Lyra, Emyr, May - 8700 exp, 900 gold
Ji dropped week 2 and received reduced pay and exp, and no magic item.

Oh boy this one was a doozy, as our party went completely off the rails...
They made it to Boneharts chamber after clearing a few more dungeon rooms, inside he accused them of being thieves, but they were able to convince/deceive him that they were there to help with his research. He somewhat took the bait, but they flubbed fast and he bribed them to leave him alone and to go back on their employer. They left the chamber, going back to Chromia, their employer after getting more hired muscle in the form of NPC Shiyana. They called out Chromia on her 'lies' which werent lies, and she got really mad, moving to breath weapon them. But as she had been told to do, Shiyana attacked, critted her, and cut her head off. Essentially sealing their own demise. Party began to panic as all their choices came back to haunt them, specifically in the following order.
- Shiyana demanded payment before returning to her tower.
- Shiyana learned that the party had promised access to shiyana to NPC's not once, twice, but three times total, which absolutely infuriated her.
- They went to Keer'levex only to learn that Chromia couldnt be resurrected and that ALL 5 of the mentioned dragons were likely scheming and up to no good.
- Tareen spent a while trying to resurrect Chromia, which much of the rest of party did not want to help with

This really turned into a clusterfuck and will require more sessions to resolve, as now theres a dragon war brewing.

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