January 18, 2025

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Samuel Unzicker
Altiel Inare
ArlaArlais LeChance
Ikeye'a Ay'tim
Karasu Ijikuri


You Shiver, and the city Shivers with you.

Plot Synopsis

The party arrives at Dragon’s bookstore, as the poster instructed, and discovers that the place is owned by an older dwarven woman named Dragon. They also find out that the bell above the door is sentient and named Jeremy - he takes a liking to that vast majority of the players. When asked about apple fritters, Dragon leads them to a bookshelf full of recipe books. They pull a book on apple fritters off the shelf and are transported to a speakeasy, where they meet Emeila Palentini and the Don. Emelia wants to hire the party as new temporary body guards for the Don, but the Don insists that they must prove their mettle before he’ll consider it. Emelia takes the party to get snazzy new outfits, and then the party is whisked off to an arena, where they are told to guard Tipo Severn from the attacks of Dragon, the Dons current bodyguard. Eventually, they best her and so discuss their future job with the mafia and their current accommodations.

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