Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Marlowe Volkova (Freya G.)
Elizabeth Crows (Juno B.)
The Watcher (Joe W.)
Vladisk Shawcross (Kenzie L.)
Volke (Devin P.)
Sadie Harding (Mira C.)
Uriel Asher (David E.)
Aether Jarrin (JB)
Winterfall II - Pthora, Cahyali
Plot Synopsis
Aether is distracted from her research by a librarian who tells her the library is closing for the night. She leaves the underground, and sees the Leshy Squad heading to the rendezvous location. Curious, she follows them and is found by Volke, who determines she isn't a threat and goes ahead to watch them. Aether and Volke watch Iskra, Leshy's mage, cast an antimagic field before the rest of the party arrives. Negotiations are tense, but end up going smoothly. The squad questions the party's ability to stay cohesive and not fall victim to internal conflict, and a wolf-beasthide member points out that Marlowe is Pthoran. Ultimately, they decide to work together and Volkov gives each party member a wolf-and-hammer badge, signifying their allegiance to his cause.
They return to the White Dragon Inn and prepare to rest for the night, when an explosion goes off from the Kataleuin Duet party nearby. Elizabeth and Aether rush to the scene to assist, while Sadie speaks with Icarian. They sympathize with each other about losing parts of themselves and being unable to return home. Sadie reveals that she was in the Ley'Orkian army and was aboard Slipstream when it went down about a year ago. Later that night, Marlowe goes to speak with Volkov in private, and he begrudgingly speaks while emphasizing he would really like to go to bed. That night, Uriel dreams of imperial Dahabu, confusing her since she has little connection to the place. When she wakes in the morning, her and Sadie end up having a tense conversation regarding their allegiances with Splint and Ley'Ork. Uriel seems to blame Sadie for the events of the Splint Wars, 500 years ago. Meanwhile, Volke gives Icarian a piece of cheese and he attempts to make it blue - but just molds it all over.
They go to get breakfast, and Vladisk and Elizabeth kill and eat some poor raw critter in an alleyway. Icarian has half of a comically large cupcake, but then decides it isn't enough and steals Tugomir's breakfast. The minotaur is furious and chases Icarian through Arkhivgrad, culminating in shenanigans on some side street. As an apology, Volke gives Tugomir 5 gold, and notes that he mentioned giving it back to his family in Polis.
The time comes to get on the train to Polis, and the party boards along with the Leshy Squad. They play card games and sing folk songs on the train ride there, and arrive near sunset. The city is slums outside its massive walls, and not much better inside, with there clearly not being enough to go around for the populace with so much devoted towards war. Volkov tells the party to get settled and gives them keys to some tenements in the city for their stay. He also mentions a "Doctor Xaris" whom they should meet with tomorrow. The Watcher uses Assimilate and mingles with the people, understanding their plight, while Uriel casts Prophecy and receives visions of the future. That night, Elizabeth speaks with Volkov in private about Brensweep, and is promised that he will look into the matter of who authorized the attack.
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