January 18, 2025

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Eri Akein
Vijaya Stevie
Robert Greenfoot
Zumwalt Thresher
Fresh Crackbreeze
Alastair Swiftbeak
Lux Urius
Lil Terror


Treasure Hunting Havoc 1 (Jaern)

Plot Synopsis

The party met up at Roche’s workshop, where several shenanigans ensued, such as Lux making Alastair’s shirt glow, and some fights over the bowl of chocolate. After settling everyone down, Roche, Bunny, and Ace explained how the party would be searching for an item that would supposedly create a new dimension, and took a flying ship headed by Captain Quentin Simmons to an abandoned town Bunny once adventured in, where more shenanigans occurred. Eventually, the party arrived and left the ship to first explore the mansion, which featured four mausoleums of past mayors. They then went to the mayor’s mansion, which was the only building left standing.

After Lil Terror created a fake door, temporarily summoning a road runner to go through it, the party began exploring. Fresh and Alastair found the office and read on the most recent late mayor, who had perished to mantis people, and more interestingly found information on the next-to-last mayor, Giles Winthrope, who took the key of the succession of mayors’ research “to his grave.” They then gathered most of the party and went to take the key from his mausoleum. Meanwhile, Ka’Wen, Zumwalt, and Robert explored the kitchen and dining room, discovering a keyhole beneath the dumbwaiter and took it up to the second floor bathroom. After investigating the bottom of the dumbwaiter and finding it hollow, they attempted to break through with little success. Noting the rest of the party was absent, they convinced Bunny to teleport them to the mausoleums, convinced the party was looting without them.

Upon arriving at the graveyard, Alastair attempted to take the key buried with Giles. This caused it to become encased in a green orb, floating above the graveyard, and summoning zombies from the surrounding graves. Vijaya gave the party the ability to fly, and the terrain was made difficult to traverse right as the remaining three party members joined the fray, leaving Robert alone on the ground to defend himself. After defeating the first wave, they focused on destroying the orb. Upon its destruction, the zombies stopped reviving.

The group returned to the dumbwaiter, unlocked the false bottom, and debated way too long before eventually climbing down into the dark room. Noting a teleportation circle on the ground and a diagram on the wall, they discovered how to activate it and ended up in a large room, with the frame of a teleporter behind them, the workings of the teleporter around and in front of them, and three hallways. Exploring one hallway resulted in the discovery of a barracks, a mess hall, and a kitchen with a microwave. The middle hallway held an office and library. A journal on the desk described potential locations of three pieces of a device, which was likely the one the party was searching for. After some debate, the party decided on which plane to go to for the first piece, and after a long rest, went through the portal, leaving Bunny and Ace behind to power the machine and pull them back out in a day’s time.

Noteworthy Postgame Events