December 12, 2024

Game Start Date
Out of Club
Game End Date
Out of Club
Game Master
Zachary R Berglund
Lavare (The Cursed Air Microdragon)
Wyren Von Otto ()


Insanity of Nezrathis Group 1, Pt. 3

Plot Synopsis

The Sealed Temple 3 games
After the terrorist attack that was stopped by the other party, wyren returns after having tracked down kizzie for more infotmation about magical rituals as it seems that party discovered that part of the church's plans involve a large magical ritual
Kizze takes party to an ancient sealed hiddent emple that was locked away for it's dark magics. In this dunegon, party finds traps after traps and cursed items while discovering ancient and forgotten knowledge that was covered up by various people in the dark and ancient era of monsters.
After clearing the area full of monsteres they discovered ancient knowledge about a ritual that would alllow one to enter the realm of the gods. After a long dunegon crawl they get notice it is time to present their knowledge
Confrontation of Truth 1 game-
IN an intense back and forth in front of the imperial court, party presented evidence of the church's wrongdoings, specifically those of the inquisition branch. The inquisitor fought back trying to make appeals as to the monsterous nature of party that most of the imperial family were already aware of and attempting to place doubt in the evidence.
With very persuasive rolls and usage of evidence, party manage to get enough favor to allow the imperial family to take direct control of the branch and launch a deep investigation while the high inquisitor was imprisioned.
INvestigation of the HIgh Inquisitor - 3 games
Given that victory, party was given the okay to investigate the high inquisitor's dwellings and other partys if the church. Investigating his home revealed deep secrets and evidence regardings to activites of the church, enough to fully substantiate treason and hercacy. However, knowing his cruel fate, the high inquisitor did a last minute change of plans, he freed his own consiousness to become pure etherial energy, becoming untouchable by party. At the same time, his goons have completed and started the ritual energy, given his current state of matter it doesn't take as much preperation has his preivous plans, but it could have posed some particular interesting problems once done, but nothing that he couln't fix after he takes care of party.
Party travels to the scene of the final ritual, in the basement of the inquisiton branch headquarters. However, as the ritual is starting, at the same tiime som sort of military coup is occuring /.
The Finale - finale, 2 games of difficult fight
Party travels to the site of the ritual ignoring most of the eneimes whom are mostly ignoring them. The way the ritual is set up is that it is self fulfilling, meaning it will complete to its finality with nothing party can do about it. On the way to the stairs, they find three high level paladins blocking the door, notifying of party's futility, party executed them in one round and continued to clear the way.
They ran into the ritual area, through a large waiting room where member sof the church, or rather the cult within the church, were partying and celebrating. Party went to the end of the stairwell and casted a barrier and entered the room that was empty. However, Wyren, whom was tainted enough by Elterial energy could see ambient energy sees two spectral figures of energy, one of them the high inquisitor, the other, the ancient cult leader, whom tried this ritual to achieve immortality and communicated with the bhigh inquisitor, leaking the ideas to help control the ambient power of all the dead gods. Party discussed with the figures and were mocked. However, Keket used a jedi mind trick to fool the high inquisitor into beliving that this ritual was designed to kill him and not open up the barrier into the realm of the gods. Wyren then decided to mess around and find out, and allowed it to possess him, he slowly lost control of his body anbd started to attack party, they managed to push it out as party racked their brains to come up with an idea to stop them. Suddenly, Lavare had an idea. a side effct of some expeirments that were being conducted by the high inquisitor resulterd in the eliminaton of eltherial energy, the reason is unkown, but it would somehow seem to be destroyed. Racking their brains, they came up with a way to use the amb ient energy already being gathered by the ritual to cause a secondary effect of slwoly absorbing nearby eltherial energy, destroying the creatures. After they started, help was called and the storm of cultists came in, however, they were repelled by the barrier. Additionally, as the ritual was coming to a close, an ally arrived, Ingird, a servant of Princess Seraphina. Ingiud was sent to help party, but kept being abandoned, as a result they knew very little about her. After being attempted to be possessed by the merged form of the high inquisitor and ancient cult leader, she realized an opportunity. She believed the world lacked true order and that it allowed evil to permeate, seeing the opportunity to take the power of the gods herself and create a world where any and all evil would be eradicated, she agreed to help and turned on party, merging with the eltherial energy and granting her super natural power. This last fight ended with a close victory and the ritual slowly dissappated with nothing to pass, the evil in the church was cleansed and the world was saved.

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