Game Start Date
Out of Club
Game End Date
Out of Club
Game Master
Zachary R Berglund
Lavare (The Cursed Air Microdragon)
Wyren Von Otto ()
Insanity of nezrathis Pt.2 Group 1
Plot Synopsis
Investigation of the missing people 2 games
After recovering project aria, party has some time where they interact with the imperial family and are offered again different choices, this time they take on the job of investigating the church.
After some preliminary work on an investigation, they recieve notice about how project aria and professor thadeus were arrested, on suspcion of being hertics. The imperial family, mainly Princess Seraphina and Lady Arabella, worked to try to negotiate terms of arrest. Party visted Project aria to console her and then procceeded to invesitgate the leads of where kidnapped people werer going.
The church was using gangs to kidnap prisoners and take them to large underground secret prisons.
Interruption of the ritual 2 games - difficult combat
Party infultrates a prision, avoiding detection from cultists and monstrosities. Gathering evidence, they find a high tech computer with technology beyond what's capable in the world and end up fiddling with it to cause a major distraction as they rush to interrupt a ritual
They travel and break into a veyr large ritual circle where there was mass sacrfiice and some sort of experiment going on. Party stopped the ritual and ended up killing two higher ranking lieutenats and managed to defend in a very difficult battle.
Afterwards, they reported their findings as the princesses worked to compile a case to use as leverage
Cogswheel festival 1 game
At this time, there was a week break and at the last day of it they were invited to join in a fun festival celebrating the change of seasons and higlighting cultural aspects of the empire. Party engaged in some activities including robot arena battles. However, it was cut short with a seemingly out of pocket terrorist attack
Noteworthy Postgame Events