April 07, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Zachary R Berglund
Wyren Von Otto ()
Lavare (The Cursed Air Microdragon)


Insanity of Nezrathis Group 1. Pt.1

Plot Synopsis

Mystery of Sleepy Jack - 4 games
- Party journeys to Nezrathis to solve a mystery. However, this mystery involves them traveling between three scenes with each one taking about 1 game, with a final confrontation with Sleepy Jack, an eldrich nightmare that has consumed someone.
Meeting the IMperial Family - 2 Games
- After solving the mystery, the heroes are invited to the castle where they meet the imperial family: The Emperor, Prince Malachai, Princess Seraphina and Princess Arabella. They are rewarded and sent to meet Professor Thadeus to get a message. There they meet his project/ child, Project Aria, a magical automaton with the learning and personality of a young child, who is the product of a dark and taboo ritual.
The Test- 3 Games.
The different imperial children offered the party many opportunities for work. They ended up working with Lady Arabella, who is actually sending them a test. They travel and are being followed by an assassin who is also after their target. They run into some werewolves along the way, which, thanks to the wren's status, they travel through with ease. They arrive at a small town that they inquire to find the location and identity of the man. However, they are offered a deal, if they can fins out the cause of some of the miners disappearing, the mining company operator in the town will spill the beans.
Party finds a secret passage that leads to the ritual room where a strange creature awaits. Party clears it and destroys the ritual sites, and cultists. They travel to and find the target, only to realize the target is hot on their tail. Afteer defeating the assassin that had turned into a large monsterous spider through some dark magic, they passed the test and were offered to enter a covenant with Lady Arabella. They learned of her formidable psionic capability and less than noble birth, but could not look a blind eye since she feels its her responsibility to make life better.
The Kidnapping of Project Aria- 2 Games
After returning, they find that Project Aria was kidnapped. They rush over to Professor Thadeus, who is distraught; they investigate and learn more about Project Aria's past. She is based on research Thadeus did with Haxel Cogwheel, a fellow occult expert. The two in the Imperial Research Academy were making groundbreaking results in creating an artificial mind when they relieved a cease and desist from the Imperial Family, who the Church of the Torchbearer pushed to do so. Afterward, they split, and Haxel was believed to have been detained as a heretic by the church. However, the disappearance was easy to follow as aria spilt some oil, a faint smell was followed with the supernatural senses of party to a warehouse. They defeated the goons, managed to get inside, and faced off against Haxel and his energy barriers and weapons, rescuing Aria.

Rewards approximately 3000 gold and a magic item each

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