Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Vesper: Arlais
Chloe: Inara
Grace: Maxi
Brock: Kazton
Sebin: Ildrei
Josh: Dark
Maddie: Altiel
Ethan: Opaneth
Grant2: Nissafor
Jake: Karasu
A better Cure 3: The one that got written up in 2025
Plot Synopsis
The party frees the pure scale from the prison cells beneath sparkpoint at Sylas' request after an alarm starts blaring. Then they fight a giant spider only to teleport it onto the front lawn, where Sylas and Hawks were fighting. Jake strapped a lot of explosives to an rpg to the point it dealt 20 d6 and had a 50/50 chance of misfiring, and it misfired, creating an explosion heard throughout the city. He barely survived using the stone of equilbrium to balance the damage he took with some random scientists nearby. The party fled with the device and Sylas payed them, surely nothing bad happened as a result of this.
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