Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Ouros Parn
Tyr Von Otto
Pheobe (Im Pheobe, and blind. and a psion.)
Nakai Chaukhamba (Mushroom Keeper, Miguel Spawn, unknown to him, Bow Seeker Nomad)
The Lonely Tower; Part 1: Osnhrgh ceqx hdek mshpj hin pzxg (Eastern Shores Coalition, Lojem, Jaern)
Plot Synopsis
The party started with the group meeting a mysterious old woman in The Weary Scholar tavern. They spoke with her, learning of a growing threat just south of Rougtero. In the old Miriton Tower, an ex-scholar by the name of Kassandros has been amassing power and converting the tower into some sort of weapon of disaster.
In order to prove themselves to the old woman, the party had to collect pieces of an artifact that would allow them to bypass a barrier placed by Kassandros. The first piece was owned by Kleonike Arta, an orcish woman ruling Eastend as its Anessa.
The party went to assist Kleonike in forming the Arcadia Pact. This would combine several of the smaller city-states in northeastern Lojem into a larger trade confederation, in theory capable of rivaling Rougtero’s power.
The party successfully convinced each leader to sign the Arcadia Pact and revealed that Queen Lucille of Lady’s Haven was under some form of mind control by a blue wizard named Kassandros. (Hey, there’s that name again.) The party got the artifact and was approached by the old woman yet again. She told them to head to the city of Titania in the southwestern edge of Lojem to help an inventor create something.
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