Game Master
Fera, Tumanako, Krelis, Niko
Solstia 29
Plot Synopsis
We had another large skip to hopefully wrap up this campaign soon. Adventurers traveled to an ancient ruin at the center of the map, deep beneath the Sea of Solstia, near the merfolk city. Inside they felt a vibration happeing throughout the building. In the final room, they got into a fight with Kasmina's avatar, who was posessing her high priestess. Instead of slaying the enemy, Krelis used a superluck on a depetion check too convince Kasmina Drago could sitll be resurrected. This was followed by a 6 die performance by Anako and another superluck by Fera. Kasmina's shell of 'hatred' finally cracked and she 'asked' the party to come to her domain in the mausoleum of chronepsis. They agreed, but then spent a long rest discussing which direciton to go. They settled on sending Ahriman and Orineth the seer to the plane of positive energy, while they themselves go to Kasmina in the plane of Negative energy.
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