October 26, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Spencer Bowles


Does Ley’Ork Dream of Electric Spells? VI [Gilded Slumber] (Ley'Ork, Cahyali)

Plot Synopsis

ARMBOKT investigates the Null Zone, learning the true nature of B&B’s plans and hints at what the Crimson Circle might do. As this happens, members of their party vanish only to reappear again moments later. During this time, they are acquainted with Laplace’s Angel, and make deals with him (except for Ivan, who already has, warlock and all.) In the end, they break into the center of the Null zone and Laplace uses one of their deals to force them to give it the facsimile artifact.

Otis has made a deal with Laplace a favor for a favor, at which point laplace took a second deal to earn the right to say no to the favor by teleporting him outside of the orb
Ivan learned of his past, then fucking ran into the center building
Tez made a deal with Laplace a favor in exchange for helping tez be so appealing that it would earn his parents love.
Brock made a deal to reunite with Korphak(guy who he was separated with and was taken to another prison) in exchange for a favor(the favor could not hurt the little guy(couldn't take away from those with little)
Feare made a deal to kill him/stop him should he ever make the system he wants and should he become what he fears most(a capitalist) he wants to have his system changed, in exchange for a favor.
Mary Made a deal to see a hero(a legend) to talk with them and learn their story and their tale, in exchange for a favor where they wouldn’t have to hurt anyone.
Finely made a deal to help get them out of debt in exchange for a favor that wouldn't hurt otis.
Anura two deals, one to make a meeting with the gnomes, and for evidence against BNB to get out of debt for a favor that could kill people

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