Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Spencer Bowles
Otis Kolocogakos
Does Ley’Ork Dream of Electric Spells? I [Gilded Slumber] (Ley'Ork, Cahyali)
Plot Synopsis
ARMBOKT gets hired to protect a substation critical to New Spire City’s powergrid. This all turns south as they are caught in the whims of B&B Energy’s bureaucracy, and mysterious terrorists blow up the substation in the depth of night.
Team name: ARMBOKT [You're in good arms! (the hand is gonna cost ya)]. The party successfully waited in line for 3 hours before seeing the returning adventurers group. They got the contract before using their marketable skills and the fact that one of them (Anura) performed Karen the gnome’s mother Cindy’s funeral. They were promised 1500gp for 2 weeks of work. All but one of the party are marked as expert maskmen. Odis, Breac, and Mary are marked as firework specialists. Tez was marked as a performer/acrobatic specialist. Ivan was marked as an armorer and Anura was marked as a mortician.
John has a mark for -5 exposure for being late. John has re-mortified (he died...again).
Arrived at the power station(substation 6). Tez does not like the taste of electricity. Ivan voided the parties warranty and pay by removing the coffee maker and taking it out of it.
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