Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Robert Greenfoot
NPC (Normal guy doing normal things)
Dancing Sparks 9 [Gilded Slumber] (Slipstream)
Plot Synopsis
The party managed to sneak onto the Slipstream, a ship made of the bones of a dragon, and quickly hid in the barracks as another adventuring party (Vincent’s campaign) entered with Hawks Stranglehold. Upon Hawks leaving, they came out from hiding and learned that they knew where Miriam was, and after a brief detour to get chocolate cake from the mess hall, the parties headed to save her. Overhearing a countdown on the intercom, they realized that they would not have enough time to only attack Hawks to prevent the bombing of Victoria, Shinneok (where the Slipstream was headed) and save Miriam, so they split up. Orucan, Robert, and Lark, joined by Altiel, Boise, and Fingers, went to save Miriam while Erynn and NPC joined the other group to fight Hawks.
Upon reaching the rather empty room that held Miriam, the party saw that she was encased in a glass bubble and strapped to a mechanical throne, wearing the crown from the museum. Her enclosement transformed into a robot with a sword whip, with her at the chest, once the party tried to attack the bubble. They quickly defeated the bot, upon which it started to drain Miriam’s magic, causing her to fall unconscious, and transformed into a giant 2D version of Queen May, with a scepter that held the 2’ cube at the end. More combat ensued, with Robert getting caught in and mentally throwing a guillotine, Lark summoning an illusory giant king version of himself to distract May, Orucan and Bosie getting balloonified, Fingers whacking May with his sword, Altiel attacking with blight, and random appearances of sheep and rhinos. Partway through the battle, everyone on the ship was deposited in Victoria, Shinneok, as the Slipstream had come to life. Resuming their battle in the rubble, Queen May summoned sailboats, chairs, tin cans, royal guards, and formed a castle out of the rubble to fight the party. Orucan nearly died, but in the end, Fingers managed to slay the 2D Queen and carry an unconscious Miriam to safety.
Both parties rejoin, as Hawks has been slain and Miriam saved, and debate what to do next. Some of the party, along with Miriam, decide to return to David’s old warehouse in Shinneok to renovate it, and some decide to simply go their own way. Whatever their choice, they agree to head to a celebration in Aquinos to revel in their accomplishments.
Noteworthy Postgame Events