Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Fallyn (Paige)
Jessie Shields (Maddox)
Skib (Andres)
Luin Adar (Nuno)
Vulvenaar (Audra)
Blade (Steven H)
Domino (Gilly H.)
Elizabeth (Juno B)
Stormwatch IX [Gilded Slumber] || Ley'Ork, Cahyali
Plot Synopsis
The party enters Slipstream, the chaos of other parties and Akh Ranh’s wrath covering their infiltration. They reach the “heart” of the ship, finding a room with four pylons and an enchained, sparking dragon’s soul at the center. They are closely pursued by a group of Ley’Orkian soldiers, all strangely mutated in odd armor sets. Jessie attempts to DI to Mishra for help in blowing up the pylons, but gains her ire instead. Domino perishes in battle.
They battle the soldiers, destroying the pylons and weathering the soul’s confused, brutal strikes. Byron Shields makes his entrance again, and nearly kills Jessie. However, a second last-ditch DI sees the Grimm appear in person, blocking the near-fatal bullet and remaining on the field as an ally. She assists the party, and revives Domino. As the soul’s attacks bear down, they destroy the final pylon and set it free. Blade nearly dies in the process.
A bright light shines forth and lifts the party into the air, and Slipstream reforms back into a living dragon. The prior unfortunate DI takes effect, and the Guiding Hand of Ruin laughs in the sky and begins to summon a firestorm over the city. Akh Ranh, Avalia, and Luin work together to mitigate the damage, effectively warding the firestorm off. Thalyss Alya, the newly revived dragon, thanks the party and grants Vulvenaar a small simulacrum of herself, shaped like a hatchling-sized version of her. Having completed her duty, Grimm vanishes.
The party takes shelter under Thalyss Alya’s wings, and watches as chaos breaks out over Victoria. They do what they can to help, but eventually make their way to Aquino, in hopes of helping those evacuating the capital.
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