November 09, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master


World Peace At Gunpoint 7

Plot Synopsis

Noll buys a lava-proof slingshot from Todd’s store “Tot’s Slingshots”, a 5 year old with a trench coat, and gives him a coupon for Bosie’s toy store. The party heads to the dreaming, to a radioactive area to meet Mer, through a mushroom circle in Joke Biden’s closet, returning to buy harnesses for Maxi and Karasu. They get the rules of the memory simulations, “it's not time travel”, and “if you die in it you die in real life”, but you can bring items back. They enter the memory simulations, appearing in a bar, filled with fey creatures and whimsy. An argument breaks out between a half devil and a satyr, but is quickly broken up by Sylas. The party talks to Sylas, finding out that he was the old Dreamt of peace. Sylas knows they are from Cahyali, and talks about his efforts to bring peace there, and mentions the forming of Ley’Ork. They ask if he's gay or European, and he tells them he’s married to the Pure Scale. They meet human Fingers and Bosie flirts with him. Sylas has the ability to enforce peace. Fingers mentions his plans to go to the mine that he died in . They meet MatPat, the old dreamt of theories. He proposes FNAF, but upon seeing Noll wearing the cupcake outfit, and his theory being proven, he poofs out of existence, leaving his red jacket behind, which is picked up by Altiel. The pure scale enters, and they ask if hes gay or european.

They move on to a peace treaty between warring orc tribes, where tensions are high, until Sylas visibly uses his power as the peace dreamt to enforce the peace treaty. An orc leader shakes hands with Bosie for 30 minutes until Mer moves them to the next scene during the end of the Dahabu-Ley’Ork war.

4884 - Dahabu extracts an admittance of surrender from Ley’Ork and kills 2 of his soldiers, Darren and Jimmy. The party talks to Sylas, who has given up on stopping the surrender, because it’ll stop the war, and he has given up more generally. Altiel recommends enforcing peace through his power, but he says this goes against free will. Maxi argues against free will, and Sials uses his power to keep him at peace and slaps him. Silas realizes he is in a memory, and Mer quickly grabs them out, leaving Sylas with an Existential crisis.

They go to a place with screaming and falling rocks and lava etc, and find little Hamlet, putting him in a Jar and giving some paper and a miniature pencil. They also find little Hamlet’s Uncle. After Lay’Ork declares war on Zinaparense, having bad effects on the dreaming. They run to find the pure scale, some getting hit by rocks. They find Sylas hunched over the dying pure scale, stabbed by a chuck of wood. The pure scale gives a speech, telling Sylas to forgive Ley’Ork, before dying. A Jehovah's witness knocks, then leaves. The party drags Sylas away from the house. They leave, successfully taking little Hamlet, generating several existential crises about the creation of sentient beings in memories. They see the creation of the current iteration of the Pure Scale, in his balancing of himself while dying, creating an immortal being to balance the mortal one.

They travel back to the bar, and ask questions about Silas and the pure scale, before being removed from the bar. Jerry Stranglehold gives a speech on war and propaganda.

Silas talks about how incremental progress has been effective. He seems defeated and tired, the party leaves.

They appear in a new bar, with Jerry stranglehold celebrating war. They talk to him, and he justifies war and colonization. He leaves and Silas follows him, making a heartfelt plea to reconsider war and death. Jerry shuts him down. Silas snaps and starts punching him, pacifying him with his peace powers. They pull him off, and discuss morality, before Silas realizes that he is a memory and keeps beating jerry. They discuss present Silas’ motivations, and attempt to leave the memory, but Sylas follows them, before being psionically blasted back through the portal. Little Hamlet still exists.

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