Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Eri Akein
Robert Greenfoot
Slez Blizak
Vijaya Stevie
Dancing Sparks 8 [Gilded Slumber] (Lightage, Ley'Ork)
Plot Synopsis
Eri rejoins the party at the new tavern after a bit of searching, ditching her cellstone, and gets caught up on events. After statin the importance of breakfast and some debate on what to do with the cube, the party gets Miriam to make a crate and dolly for the cube, the party head to the docks, dropping Orucan and Robert off to repair the ship and having the rest scout out the location. After setting up some empty crates and a pair of doors in case of combat, the party reconvened that night to prepare their plan. Before midnight, Eri and Vijaya hide in crates, Slex hides under the dock, Erynn stands near the cube by the water, and the rest of the party waits on the other end of the dock. Two crimson robed humanoids walk onto the dock at midnight, and after much mental communication within the party and verbal debate with the cultists, the party exchanges the cube for money and a ship that will leave for Shinneok in the morning. In the morning, the party sets sail with two crew members and their cat, enjoying the ship. After a time, they spot four humanoids with mechanical wings and one with a jetpack flying in their direction, and they warn the crew to hide and prepare for combat.
Slez causes a storm around the ship, Vijaya makes the party able to fly, and Lark sets up a barrier around Miriam and himself. The pyro attacker sets up a smokescreen, allowing them to set up some physical cover. The ninja attacker manages to get through the barrier, knocks out Lark long enough for the barrier to drop, and starts flying off with Miriam. Meanwhile, Orucan brutally shot the medic, Eri cut the pyro man in two and set off after Miriam, and Erynn whipped the soldier severely until he died. Lark attempted to follow, too, but got shot and fell into the water, thankfully regaining consciousness due to Slez’s healing. He managed to control the ninja to head back with Miriam, but the engineer cut off his mechanical wings and sent drones to catch her and take her to a blimp that had appeared and fired at the ship. After ensuring the engineer drowned, the party captured the remaining attackers and returned to shore. The next day, they tortured the two until they learned that they worked for Hawks Stranglehold, that they took Miriam to Sparkpoint Labs, and they intended to use her as a weapon. The party then kills them, and starts to make their way to Sparkpoint Labs to take revenge and save Miriam.
Noteworthy Postgame Events