Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Aether Jarrin
Izzu ()
Sauri Vix (Desert sandtail alamarian from Duhabu)
Nxiya (Fairy Shenanigamer with a camera)
Ouros Parn
Brain Freeze [Gilded Slumber] Game 9; Frozen Hearts (Pthoran Wastes, Cahyali)
Plot Synopsis
The game began with the party traversing the Pthoran wasteland. Some odd things happen in the Pthoran wasteland. It is a cursed place. Nothing valued is there. No highly esteemed deed is commemorated there. It is not a place of honor.
First, Sauri succumbed. He began to feel extremely hot despite being in a frozen wasteland. Off in the distance, he saw the distinct outline of the city of Abydos, a city he’s not the most welcome in. Some members of the party could vaguely see the city, but upon investigation it only physically manifested as long as Sauri could see. Blindfolding him, they trekked onward.
Later, the party came across the remains of Aether’s village. Finding a few milphite crystals, it turned out these were somewhat crumbly. As they broke apart the party had their units restored. Aether wandered off and found her old home, finding what were presumably the ghosts of her family, or some hallucination. The ghosts told Aether to take vengeance for their deaths, and Aether took an old family heirloom to hopefully deal the killing blow.
Leaving, Rosse had a vision. It was a vision of “Henry Stone/Smith” attempting to recruit Rosse, calling him by his real name and potentially threatening his family. He attempted to persuade Rosse to join the Ember Army with promises of taking the gods down a peg, especially in Shinneok. Rosse did not fall for the temptation, citing the horrible things Pthora has done in order to bring about such a world. “Henry” disappeared into the snow.
The party took a rest here, finding a cave and attempting to talk it out. Ouros went to bed. During watch, Sauri saw an odd vision on the cave walls that seemed to be reminiscent of his past, almost. During Ouros’ turn for the watch, she set up a few wards. Later, two familiar looking wolves moved through the wards she placed down, appearing like old family for her. One bit Sauri, revealing itself to be a Wulframwolfe, with Ouros hallucinating. A brief fight ensued and Nxiya captured one of these wulframwolfe, maybe keeping it as a pet with a bit of reprogramming and training.
Later, Nxiya saw the world around her close in as they passed through a valley. She attempted to escape by drilling out, with the party watching her attempt to drill air. She was “attacked” by a familiar undead and dropped the drill on Ouros from 350 feet in the air. It hurt. But not as much as it could’ve.
Finally, as the party approached the shore, Izzu saw a final vision. He was in chains, hands bound to a large smithing factory, presumably in Ley’Ork. Using his psionic abilities, he came up with a way to free himself from his chains. The reality faded around him, with a voice saying “You have accepted the powers. Use them well.”
About a minute away from shore, a Shinnean ship is preparing to dock and pick the party up. However, “Henry” appeared again, and summoned a horde of undead to attack the party.
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