November 09, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Freya Guntrip
Lux Urius
Alastair Swiftbeak
Fresh Crackbreeze
Aegon Serpico


Ashes of Dreams | Session 7 [GILDED SLUMBER] (New Spire City, Ley'Ork, Cahyali)

Plot Synopsis

It seems that fortune is constantly at the party's side, as they come into contact with a woman by the name of Robin, who wants to meet with the party in order to discuss a potential break-in to Sparkpoint. By this point, the party meets with the party of Stormwatch, and the two exchange formalities and begin discussing a plan to break into Sparkpoint and stop Project Slipstream once and for all. After a lot of conversation, the plan is made that the two parties would split up in order to take out the planar lock on Sparkpoint which had been installed in light of the recent break-ins, after which they would all begin their siege and take out Slipstream once and for all. The two parties split to take on their tasks, though not before exchanging items and information for contact, so they can stay in communications in the case that one party learns something the other doesn't know, or in case something goes wrong.

As the party approaches the obelisk and lockblade controlling the planar lock, the party is instantaneously transported into the Dreaming, within which they hold a conversation with Pea and the Old Dreamt of Technology, who explains to the party that she and the child were pawns of Sparkpoint, and how she was being used in order to guard the obelisk. Longing for freedom, the Old Dreamt makes a deal: in exchange for disabling the lockblade and freeing her within Slipstream itself, she would reveal her true name and made the vow that she would do everything in her power in order to make sure that she could hold control over Slipstream. The party agrees, after which they use her true name to break Sparkpoint's hold over her, receiving a vision of the engine room, wherein the Old Dreamt, now revealed as Inova, reveals that she is being held with Pea, and in order to free them they must defeat her within the engine room. Soon, the vision ends and the party reawakens in front of the lockblade.

However, things are not so simple, as the lockblade still needs to be removed. It calls itself Lionheart, and insists that it is a weapon of war that must be used for killing and nothing else. However, with some convincing it begins to see a new path for itself, of being a figurehead for revolution instead of being a weapon for death. After a promise that it be used as a means of revolution, the party gains the lockblade's boon and a powerful ability to use during their battle with Inova. With the blades disabled, there's nothing standing in the party's way to begin the operation and save the world.

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