Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Adam Isenhour
Calliope (Eva Heffron)
Shahz (Cole)
Blue (EQ)
Gilbert (Eli)
Vasalor/Valasor (Seojin Kim)
Melodia Ley'Orkiana 6 (Gilded Slumber)
Plot Synopsis
The party approaches the next cairn and finds it in the middle of a large lake called Bigpond, a lake that's half-bordered by a medium-sized town of the same name. In Bigpond, they try to find someone who'll take them out on the lake, but are instead met by laughter, as everyone knows that during the winter, Lottie- the local lake monster- claims ships at her leisure, and she's feeling particularly aggressive this season. The crew attempt to get a chronic alcoholic called Captain Benjamin to take them out, but after failing, they decide to instead go out on the necromanced snow wassets Keegan has with him and the dragon summoned by Calliope's transcendental brush. They meet Lottie out on the lake, who- while still very adamant about eating them- is simultaneously far more sentient and far more oafish than they expected. Lottie allows the group to redecorate her pond after some convincing, which includes letting them dismantle the cairn and reassemble it. They promise an elegant, detailed stack, but instead teleport away with Blue's giant step. Enraged by their trick, Lottie takes her anger out on the town of Bigpond, washing every house away and claiming every single one of it's 55,836 residents in the process. Only one person remains- Captain Benjamin, who is sure that this is somehow his fault still, plunging him deeper into his spiral. The group makes their way towards the last cairn.
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