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Game Master
Freya Guntrip
Fresh Crackbreeze
Alastair Swiftbeak
Lux Urius
Aegon Serpico
Ashes of Dreams | Session 4 [GILDED SLUMBER] (New Spire City, Ley'Ork, Cahyali)
Plot Synopsis
After their adventures in the sewers of New Spire, the party emerge ready to continue their search for the remaining items, and luckily they know just who to get them from! There's rumors of a gang that operates in one of the boroughs of Northern New Spire called the Gestalts. Information about this gang is slim, save for the fact that all of them have a similar distant stare in their eyes and all of them wear the same outfit. Looking for information, the party makes their way into a speakeasy as they interrogate the bartender for any information that they can get about the elusive Gestalts.
It doesn't seem that they have to look for long though, as upon mention of the gang, the bartender's eyes flick over towards one of the patrons who very quickly begins to leave the establishment. However, with a quick grapple from Setairen the party are able to get their hands on one of these people, who with a bit of negotiation they manage to convince to let them see their leader. The party arrives at the house, and the leader of the Gestalts, Gestalt Prime, reveals that the gang itself is a hivemind made up of people who would rather give up their individuality for the sake of safety within the gang. However, Gestalt Prime is dying and needs to find a successor. So, in exchange for both milphite crystals and arcane silver, Gestalt Prime presents two options: either the party goes to help take out the Broken Angels, another gang infringing on their territory, or find a successor for Gestalt Prime.
The party negotiates a day long buffer to make their decision, and quickly decide that since both options sound bad, they want to take matters into their own hands and bypass Gestalt Prime altogether. That is to say, they want to rob the Gestalts. In order to accomplish this they enlist the help of their rat allies who with a payment of bread agree to rob the Gestalt storeroom. After successfully lying to the Gestalts about what had happened, the party gets away successfully with the crystals and silver, and now with everything gathered Ramona agrees to reveal the truth of what they're working on, though needs some time to make some final preparations.
With a well-earned rest, the party sleeps once more, waiting to find out what they had been fighting for.
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