October 26, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Adam Isenhour
Calliope (Eva Heffron)
Veltev (Jason)
Keegan Fletcher (Lucas Arone)
Gilbert (Eli)
Shahz (Cole)
Blue (EQ)
Vasalor/Valasor (Seojin Kim)


Melodia Ley'Orkiana 4 (Gilded Slumber)

Plot Synopsis

The party makes their way to the next Cairn, but upon entering the clearing, the party turned into bugs. They found a small log in the snow that was converted into an inn by other people who had transformed into bugs called the Crawlsburg Inn. After beating a cricket in a game of darts for his tophat, the party traveled to the Cairn to destroy it and- hopefully- free them and the tavern of their curse. Unfortunately, a swarm of angry starlings guarded the cairn as well. After a fight, the party destroyed the cairn and changed the tavern and themselves back into their original form.

Noteworthy Postgame Events