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Game Master
Freya Guntrip
Lux Urius
Alastair Swiftbeak
Fresh Crackbreeze
Aegon Serpico
Ashes of Dreams | Session 3 [GILDED SLUMBER] (New Spire City, Ley'Ork, Cahyali)
Plot Synopsis
A new call just came in, or well, not a call exactly. A letter. A letter from a mysterious woman named Irene, reporting that she had 'retrieved the package' and was on her way back to the hideout. Catch is, the letter was sent a bit longer ago than was expected, and Ramona has just the idea of what had happened. Suffice to say, she was in the sewers, fancying herself a 'secret agent' and in exchange for privacy about the matter and a hefty sum of gold, the party was sent to go and collect her and the package.
So, into the sewers they enter, and what would have been an ordinary adventure to retrieve this woman soon wrapped the party within the inner political turmoil of the rat kingdoms of Chedachia and Barleytrough within the sewers of Ley'Ork. After becoming jarls, patron saints, and even some into criminals within the rat empire, the party gains the trust of the rats and eventually find Irene, who upon learning that they're with the resistance, happily follows them out, revealing offhandedly that she was basically a god to the rat kingdoms since she kept feeding them bread whenever she came down.
Afterwards, the party returns with Irene in tow, though not before she reveals the nature of her relationship with Ramona, which the party uses to their full advantage to make fun of their hirer. Upon opening the package, it is revealed that it was a strange oil engine, far smaller than what would be used to run a car or an airship. With more questions than answers, the party rest up because tomorrow, they're back on the clock.
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