Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Freya Guntrip
Fresh Crackbreeze
Alastair Swiftbeak
Lux Urius
Aegon Serpico
Ashes of Dreams | Session 2 [GILDED SLUMBER] (New Spire City, Ley'Ork, Cahyali)
Plot Synopsis
The job is simple, Ramona has procured some tickets to the Sparkpoint Lab press conference happening tonight, and the party has to go in undercover to retrieve the somnus, which is scheduled to be part of their 'big reveal' of the evening. Should be easy, right?
Before the show begins, the party disperses to enjoy in the festivities of the evening as well as gather some information, meeting various researchers who are part of Sparkpoint, gathering information about the projects going on within the company. Additionally, some party members are able to identify the presence of hidden security cameras. Eventually, the lights dim and Pyra Sparkpoint herself takes the stage and begins talking about the history of the company and her visions for the future, revealing in a briefcase a canister of shimmering stars: somnus.
However, before they can seize the opportunity, a large explosion shakes the building, throwing the entire soiree into lockdown, guards appearing from seemingly out of nowhere to keep the guests safe and to make sure the somnus is kept safe as well. However, the party are faster, and manage to grab the briefcase of somnus, using a fire breath weapon into the crowd as a distraction, killing some patrons before escaping through a portal back to their safehouse that was placed underneath a table. Despite the rather loud exit, the job was a success.
That evening, the party receive a vision from the Old Dreamt of Technology, warning them that larger forces are at play than the party may realize, and that they should be on their guard should worse things come to pass. Only time can tell with this warning truly means.
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