November 08, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Brady Black
Hydan (A Priest of Alamar in search of redemption in the eyes of his god. (Anything to further the cause))


Rite of Passage Session 17

Plot Synopsis

Party arrives at the city of new alimar which has become the holy city of almar in the most recent months, this event celebrating the grant opening of the new temple, the repairs of the city, and the appointing of the new almar high priest. Party spends time exploring the city, speaking with various people they met along the way. They find out the hard ships other groups went to, went shopping, and the next day attended the ceremony. To Everyones surprise, Hydan did not win the seat of high priest, a young girl named Clara. Clara excited after the hard ships she faced, gives a small speech, at which point almar and some of his servitors descend from the heavens to announce, they're taking Hydan with them, as he is being turned into a servitor for having past their test. Party celebrates as Hydan ascends with almar back to his new job.

Noteworthy Postgame Events