Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Brady Black
Hydan (A Priest of Alamar in search of redemption in the eyes of his god. (Anything to further the cause))
Tyr Von Otto
Rite of Passage Sessions 11-16
Plot Synopsis
Party goes through the mountains south of chongbai looking for a evil almarian who's been stealing souls. Suddenly two party members are suddenly have their souls kidnapped. Party follows the damage up the mountain to find a portal. Inside the portal they find a strange farm, where all of the crops have human souls within them. Party spends the next couple of days exploring the area, and diving deep within what was effectively a fallout shelter. Party does find out this is a sort of demi-plane, and it's been run by this woman for a very long time, she seems reasonable, but isn't fully there, many events and almost exploding themselves later they attempt to talk her into shutting down the facility only to find out, she's finished her work. She is just waiting to present it to almar. It seems her goal was to find a way to produce souls, in the event that where ever souls come from, runs dry. Her work focused on tearing small parts of a soul off of a soul, regrowing the damaged bit and sending it back, then regrowing a new soul from the tiny fragment over time. The process seemed to work well from what party saw, but the hole process was very sketchy. Being torn, party decided to attempt to convince her to turn herself in before engaging in combat, which to their surprise, she does go with willingly but request assistance shutting off the machines. After which the party returns her to the servitor arumanfi who hired them direct from almar for this section of the quest, and geared up for the final ceremony to see who became the high priest.
Noteworthy Postgame Events