November 09, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
NPC (Normal guy doing normal things)
Robert Greenfoot
Slez Blizak
Vijaya Stevie


Dancing Sparks 7 [Gilded Slumber] (Lightage, Ley'Ork)

Plot Synopsis

The party enjoyed breakfast, and Queen May appeared and requested that they steal a cube for some of her “crimson servants” so that she could secure a castle for the wedding. Lark managed to convince her that he could cast a spell to make her stronger. The party (and Detective Asten, who joined them) headed up to their rooms for some privacy, and Slez cast a spell to remove her irrational fears so that she would not unconsciously resist the spell. Once cast, Lark removed May’s insanity, causing her to scream and go unconscious. Orucan successfully deterred any concerned patrons by claiming it was a horror radio broadcast. The party determines that May was both magically and physically insane. Upon using magic to recall her last 8 hours, Lark informs the party that she was working with some suspicious crimson robed people. Vijaya obtained a drop of blood which would glow when May is alive (which it did), and the party brought their breakfast as well as hot chocolate and chocolate milk for May upon her awakening. The party then had a large debate as to whether they still wished to turn her over to HTUC, and decided against it. May eventually woke, a little out of it and traumatized when talking about anything referring to Sparkpoint. She still retains some of her magic, but most of it is gone, as it was gained when she was experimented on. They learn that her real name is Miriam, that she used to be an acrobat before getting dementia and later being experimented on at Sparkpoint. The party debates going on an impromptu vacation, and additionally learn that Miriam met the “Crimson Circle” while she was in jail due to being homeless after she escaped Sparkpoint, and they agreed to help her make a castle. Miriam is not proud of what she did as Queen May. She also calls off the wedding.
Gregory Shortfellow called mid-conversation, and while talking, Lark accidentally slipped up and called May her real name, and Gregory warned the party that they would collect May within 24 hours whether the party liked it or not. After determining that the detective leaked the information that May was “caught” in an attempt to get out of his contract, and not realizing HTUC would act so quickly, the party was naturally upset and kicked him out, sending him away with their cellstones. He respected their wishes and left, offering a word of warning that the HTUC hit squads would be able to find them even if they left the country. The party then packed up and left the tavern.
The party first went to the docks, and secured passage on a vessel that would leave within 3 days. Deciding that it would be smarter to have a faster option, they also chose to head to the University of Ley’Ork to steal the cube to try and get aid from the crimson people. After several shenanigans, they secure the gray 2’ cube, which had some anti-magic properties, and meet up at the tavern. They then start heading to the docks. While en route, they managed to spot three HTUC mech suits, and after a very brief discussion, entered combat. Robert casts a spell to cause each mech, one at a time, to take larger hits. Slez and Vijaya buff Erynn, who dealt most of the damage. Vijaya, NPC, and Slez and Erynn each killed a mech. During this combat, Miriam summoned an egg timer, a shovel, a window pane, and a house (which almost crushed one of the HTUC and Erynn). Once the last enemy was defeated, the party decided it would be best to rest before attempting to give the cube, as the crimson people would be there every night for the next while. They went to a new tavern, rented out a floor, and went to bed.

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