Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Eri Akein
Slez Blizak
Vijaya Stevie
Dancing Sparks 6 [Gilded Slumber] (Lightage, Ley'Ork)
Plot Synopsis
Lark rejoined the party in the tavern as they debated how to approach the museum that May was likely planning to steal from. Eri called Gregory Shortfellow to try to get him to contact the museum curator before the party and Detective Frankie Asten set out for the museum itself after Orucan, who had gone ahead of the party to sneak in through the vents after acquiring a security uniform. While in the vents, he spotted an old man in a fancy bathroom, who left after a time to leave Orucan free to explore. The party, meanwhile, sent a security guard out who returned with the old man: Lewis McCall, the curator of this museum, which he explained to be more of his personal collection. Upon some prompting, the party is convinced to take a tour. Orucan, meanwhile, had found the mechanical section, which was relatively entertaining, but hid after hearing people entering. Once he realized it was the party, he focused more on the treasure exhibit, in which he pretended to guard after spotting a crown that Queen May would likely steal. The party toured an abstract art exhibit, admiring an abstract crab painting, before entering a statue exhibit and admiring a statue of Zepherine. When they reached the treasure exhibit, Lark briefly blinded the old man without his knowledge and dimension grabbed the crown, much to the surprise of the party. They then resumed the tour, admiring the mechanical art which featured the autonomous drinking bird and the landscape art which featured a 10 ft aerial painting of Metro. Afterwards, they visited the gift shop, where Lark tried and somehow failed to remove himself from McCall’s memory. Both Vijaya and Lark bought a fake crown, and Lark put his on. They attempted to learn the historical significance of the actual crown, and learned it used to belong to a Shinneok royal, and that it had nothing to do with May herself.
Shortly after reaching this conclusion, trumpets sounded and May walked into the museum and over to the party, upon spotting them. Lark, who had yet to meet May, claimed to be a king, and implanted the thought that he and May should be married to combine their kingdoms. It worked. As a betrothal gift, May asked for the crown, which Lark provided. Wedding venues were debated, and so May requested to see Lark’s kingdom. He brought the party to the rooftop in New Spire, which disappointed her. Wishing to see the union through, May suggested the party slay crabs of Abstractlandia to prove their valor as the future king and royal guard of the world. The party accepts, and so they return to the museum and are sent into the abstract crab painting to fight (minus the detective). Eri spent most of the fight guarding Lark, and Robert and Vijaya dealt a great amount of damage. Orucan shot the abstract pink crab dead while Erynn whipped the abstract blue crab to shreds. The abstract orange crab managed to destroy Slez’s kidney and Erynn’s whip before Orucan shot it dead, and Slez killed the abstract VOID crab. Eri restored the kidney and whip, healing their owners, and flipped through the painting through the rift as the rest of the party followed. Lark kept the resulting abstract crab gore painting, and the party briefly discussed future plans with May before she exploded into confetti and made her exit to plan the wedding. While the marriage was originally intended as a ruse, the party realizes that Lark may actually have the power to cure May’s insanity and decide that they want to help her, regardless of their contract with HTUC to kill or capture her. They return to the tavern for the night.
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