Game Master
Noah Kauffman
Valhalla Calling (final sessions)
Plot Synopsis
Summary of Session 6-12
for most of sessions 6-11 it was a lot of exploring the world and dealing with small problems, as the party began to help they than learned of how to seal off the planet forever. to do so they needed to regather the fragments of the last wish spell in order to cause the world to be sealed off forever. the party then went to the astral sea and awaited the arrival of the dragon that held the last fragment of the wish spell.
Session 12: for this session, this was the last session of Valhalla calling. the party did battle with the astral dragon Thorezic, as the party did battle, Freyja gathered all her strength and was able to cause several stars (thanks to a super luck) to gather together and form a black hole and combined it with her rune of space. ripping the dragon apart as the final blow after party had weakened it. in the end the fragments of the wish spell were gathered together. Freyja took party to where Yggdrasil (what it looked like changed depending on who looked at it) was. after explaining the situation to party. Freyja used the wish spell to restore all her fragments and retake her place as At'ena (this is permanent character retirement for Freyja). as a last act, the party members each got to make one wish. and with that end. At'ena has now fully recovered from the events of the OWATE and been restored to her full power. all of her priests can feel her being restored and the timelines are now being mended. the rest of party now returning to their various homeworlds.
rewards for campaign.
EXP: 3k
Gold 3k
notable events
with the end of this campaign, At'ena has regained all her powers, the timelines that were destroyed are now restored. and the character Freyja that belonged to Dan Weller has officially retired and become At'ena.
Noteworthy Postgame Events