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Game Master
David Proffitt
Gilded Slumber - The Wrong Shephard Session 2
Plot Synopsis
The party boards a carriage bound for Karem. After traveling for some time through the countryside (and not seeing any sheep) the party comes within sight of the forest which Karem is located in, but is interrupted by the sound of loud croaking. Three giant ice frogs appear in the distance, and although Yaupon attempts to communicate with them in Entish, he finds that all they are saying is “croak”.
The frogs begin attacking the party, and after a tough fight the party begins to wear them down. Suddenly an Oni woman with red skin arrives, quickly casting a water spell which heals all combatants… including the frogs. The fight continues, but with the Oni’s help the party is able to prevail, and the Oni uses magic to tame one of the frogs. Introducing herself as Naomi, she offers to join the party on their adventures ahead. Now with a new ally, the party arrives in Karem without further incident. The party explores to look for clues about Yohana’s whereabouts, asking around at the local tavern and blacksmith (where Bahl and Flubs get a weapon upgrade). Upon convening at the tavern, the party is met by Inquisitor Laumont, the commander of the Inquisitorial forces in the town. He tells them about the Dreamt magic that has been plaguing Karem, and asks that they deal with the source by any means necessary. The party then decides to rest for the night, which Bahl uses as an opportunity to steal from the other residents of the tavern. However, after Uriel succeeds in a timely DI to Horse Jesus, Bahl decides to put the items he stole back. Meanwhile, Naomi casts spells on her new pet frog to make it intelligent and sentient.
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