Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
David Proffitt
Gilded Slumber - The Wrong Shephard
Plot Synopsis
The party assembles outside the Cathedral of the Conflagration at the behest of a mysterious job posting. They are led through the cathedral to the office of Peter, a Dwarven Presbyter of the church. Peter explains that the drastic changes in church policy recently have been in part due to changes in the church’s leader, Archpontiff Elymas. While he was always suspicious of heretics and those he felt went against the church, the principles which held him back from acting on those feelings seem to have vanished.
Peter requests the party go to the town of Karem to check on an old friend who he knows is in danger due to the Inquisition. When Peter was younger he became lost in the wilderness and was saved by an old woman named Yohana, who used Dreamt magic. In recent days an Inquisitorial force has been sent to Karem in order to investigate rumors of Dreamt activity. Fearing for Yohana’s life, Peter asks the party to find her and ensure that she is safe from the Inquisition. As most of the party leaves (while discussing what a sheep is), Cyrus stays behind to speak to Peter about ensuring him and Uriel aren’t indicted in any of the chaos of the church. Other party members search for the repentant Executioner, but fail to find him in the penitent cells.
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