Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Wyren, Nys, Lavare, Ignita, Rex
Centralia Rebirth ep 3
Plot Synopsis
Adventurers met at Crownguard university, meeting with Shiyana and Asphodel, along with a few isisites tending to asphodel. It was there they got the mission to record information about the city's underground and all it entails. Additionally, the primary objective was to recover Duskcrusher, Asphodels hammer made by his father, Ra and his mother, Rudri. Adventurers found and hired a guide within the Dwarvish Lyre tavern, a dwarf named Gili and his assistant, a kobold named Snem. The guides led the adventurers into the undercity and through some of the depths. Successfully sneaking past 4 Iron Golem guards. Then assisting a dryad whom had been cursed by Rudri somehow. Finally coming to the underground city of Muckwood, they gathered some unique poisons and poisoned the dwarvish warlord whom had Duskcrusher.
Noteworthy Postgame Events