October 19, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Izzu ()
Sauri Vix (Desert sandtail alamarian from Duhabu)
Particular the Penguin
Nxiya (Fairy Shenanigamer with a camera)
Ouros Parn


Brain Freeze [Gilded Slumber] Game 5; Fight Flight or Freeze (Nahrul, Cahyali)

Plot Synopsis

The game started with the party setting their disguises and joining up with a group heading to Krolik. Essentially being forced to share a cart with wounded soldiers being sent back to their homeland, the party traveled for a few hours in a small chain containing another cart and the tank. This strange beast attacked the caravan, however. It was identified as one of Nahrul’s Behemoths, massive creatures naturally resistant to magic. It hit the tank so hard that the tank took off the top of the cart. Some activated jinghua leaked from the tank’s firing mechanism, drenching Aether and giving her acute leyline poisoning.
The party was forced to fight the beast. Many Pthoran soldiers, even the healthy ones, were felled by the beast. It also absorbed some activated jinghua, making it temporarily more powerful. After the party finally killed it through a long, tough battle and some chaos shenanigans. Izzu cut out its heart and kept it in his backpack, but due to his susceptibility to disease, he obtained a semi-acute form of leyline poisoning, it seems.
Nxiya and Izzu quickly reassembled the cart into a better cart. Rosse took a lightning-sack from the Behemoth. Sauri decided to dig a hole in the ground due to not wanting to put up with the party taking likely radioactive body parts from a monster. Particular took first watch and noticed the wolves were following them again. After a bit of running and all that, the party was eventually able to get a night’s rest. After another day of travel, the party made it to Krolik, where Henry rushed them onto a ship headed for the mainland of Pthora.

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