Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
World Peace At Gunpoint 4
Plot Synopsis
Party watched the president’s speech, where they declared that Sylas would not strike again, while Ignis, waiting on a nearby children’s cancer ward, killed off every guard that got near them, as well as a child with cancer, and three pizza delivery guys. Two guards were raised as zombies by Bosie, dressed in cloaks, to serve as decoys of Sylas. While several of the party were meeting with the president, warning alarms went off. Hawk broke a hole in the wall to attack the Sylas clones. Through the hole in the wall, Ignis shot the president, who was nearly killed. Null makes the door to the hallway fall off, and blames Sylas. The president opens a secret passage to a saferoom, but does not enter. Combat begins, where the party attempts to stop the president from entering the passage, as she needs to be in the room for Sylas’s targeted attack to work. They kill the president with Irritating powder, soul destroy the vice president, and kill the two secret service agents. During this, Hawk missed with a missile and blew a hole in the side of B&B energy building, and the white house was carpet bombed with dynamite by Ignis. The president is also canceled for anti-human slurs and supporting a racist syrup company. Sylas’s attack activates, destroying the room with lava and earthquakes, except for the roof, which flies off undamaged.
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