October 19, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Eri Akein
Robert Greenfoot
Slez Blizak
NPC (Normal guy doing normal things)
Vijaya Stevie


Dancing Sparks 4 [Gilded Slumber] (Lightage, Ley'Ork)

Plot Synopsis

The party launched into combat against the gang that had kidnapped Dr. Mary Vís’ son. Lark sends the baylor holding the child into the future, without the child, while Robert put the kid in an ectoplasmic bubble to keep him safe. Orucan shot the netted Dr. Vís and Eri caught her before she hit the ground. Detective Frankie Asten appeared shortly after, informing the party that David had arrived, who quickly attacked Vijaya. One of the attacking baylors manages to down Eri and drag her over to him, Slez summons a storm, and Lark fate links with David. Viaja hits David with enough damage that Lark is killed, and thanks to a little of Orucan’s luck, kills David through the fate link. Erynn bites an air elemental, the detective takes the child to safety, as between all of the attacks the cocoon was nearly broken. Slex heals his allies who are still alive, getting Eri back on her feet to see the carnage. Irycab explodes his gun while trying to shoot the air elemental, and Vís kills the Baylor that downed Eri with her gun. The remaining enemies flee, and the party takes Lark’s corpse and David’s weapon before fleeing the scene, leaving Asten to take care of the reappeared baylor and David’s body, and both the detective and Vís to handle the approaching police.
By 3 in the morning, the party drops off Lark at an Isis temple, with NPC successfully praying to Isis to cure his own ails. Eri attempts to call Gregory with no response. In the late morning, the party awakens and Robert poorly bakes a giant cookie for Fillius, and Lark returns to the party, a little dazed. They do some minor shopping in their downtime, and once Vís returns home from questioning, they say their good-byes and leave for the local HTUC building to get paid.
The party meets with the local HTUC representative, an earth elemental called Jay Steel, and get paid. During the meeting, Frankie Asten tells the group that a second experiment had survived, and Steel says he will set up a contract once more details are known. The party leaves the building to go spend their spoils. Shortly after leaving, however, they hear and partially see an explosion coming from the direction of the local prison.

Noteworthy Postgame Events