Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Adam Isenhour
Keegan Fletcher (Lucas Arone)
Veltev (Jason)
Calliope (Eva)
Gilbert (Eli)
Shahz (Cole)
Blue (EQ)
Vasalor/Valasor (Seojin Kim)
Melodia Ley'Orkiana (Gilded Slumber)
Plot Synopsis
The party meets up with a higher member of the Breehart Institute named Dr. Arthur to discuss their duties, which mostly entails escorting and protecting a researcher- a grad student named Ludovic- tasked with collecting information about the Mystery and the strange things happening with it as of late. They are sent to a small village, where they find a farmer and an entire stable of horses that have merged with the surrounding farm animals and turned into chimeras. They want to take one for research purposes, which would most likely entail vivisection, but since the horses and the animals within the horses belong to members of the town, they have to try to convince someone to lend one of those horses to science. However, when all of their (limited) efforts prove fruitless, they decide instead to just steal the animal. Upon returning to the Breehart, they find a very angry Arthur, who chastises them for not only making the already shaky perception the locals have for the institute worse, but for giving them evidence they can't legally use, since it was ill-gotten. They are warned and sent away, sleeping for the night. In the morning, they find that Ludovic is missing. Upon searching the room, they find a pair of soleless shoes. Once put on, it guides the wearer out into the woods, where they find a cairn. Upon destroying it, they notice an odd figure in the woods, a hulking six-legged feline beast that laughs at them from the trees, but after seeing it they can't find it again. They are told to go out and find Ludovic, or else they won't receive their pay.
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