September 07, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Adam Isenhour
Saber (Jack Newbrough)
Silas Akay (Aslan Battal)
Calliope (Eva Heffron)
Viego (Ryan Cerami)
Nathaniel Finke (Eilam Deinard)
Lokoth (Charlie)
Keegan Fletcher (Lucas Arone)
Vulvenaar (Audra)


Shadows of the Dream War 2 (Gilded Slumber)

Plot Synopsis

The party spends the entirety of the session battling Charlie of the Chains, both to save themselves and to drive it back into the woods. They get back in contact with their employers and debrief before heading into the dreaming to stop the threat.

Noteworthy Postgame Events