August 31, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Adam Isenhour
Vulvenaar (Audra)
Raghav Vasali (dropped)
Saber (Jack Newbrough)
Silas Akay (Aslan Battal)
Viego (Ryan Cerami)
Keegan Fletcher (Lucas Arone)
Calliope (Eva Heffron)
Geralt (Steven Dong)
Nathaniel Finke (Eilam Deinard)
Lokoth (Charlie)


Shadows of the Dream War (Gilded Slumber)

Plot Synopsis

The party is recruited by an unnamed member of the Shinnean government and sent out to Cliffvale to investigate strange disturbances in wildlife. Upon arriving at Cliffvale, they are met with a very unwelcoming population of Undead who refuse to be very helpful until the characters interact with a woman named Minnie, a disembodied head who can speak to animals, and an undead bear named Leonard. The party takes Minnie out in the woods to interview a group of squirrels about what’s going on, and they reveal that the source of the issue is a character they call “Charlie.” Looking for more information, the party tries to call birds to communicate with Minnie about what’s going on, but they instead call a wild Cockatrice, who after being promised an ungodly amount of corn, decides to help them find the being known as Charlie. After following Professor, they find a sawmill in the woods that is working on preparing Shinneok for the brewing war, though this is not revealed to them. They attempt to sneak into the sawmill, but half of the party is caught by security, while the other half stays hidden and investigates a patch of trees in the middle of the worksite. Inside the prison, they are shocked to find their employers, a woman named Samantha and her companion Jacques. They reveal they are Scholars Peregrine, and that they are here to investigate the Shinnean government’s activity in regards to supernatural events taking place in the worksite. By tricking the guards, the party escaped. The other half of the group investigated the grove. Upon trying to damage the trees, they find that they revive and repair themselves almost instantly. After doing enough damage, they finally disturb the being that lives in those trees, an angered fey named Charlie of the Chains.

Noteworthy Postgame Events