October 12, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Izzu ()
Sauri Vix (Desert sandtail alamarian from Duhabu)
Nxiya (Fairy Shenanigamer with a camera)
Ouros Parn


Brain Freeze [Gilded Slumber] Game 4; Put on Ice (Tasjun, Nahrul, Cahyali)

Plot Synopsis

The game started with the party arguing for an hour about what to do with the tank. It ran out of petroleum and ended up stranded in the northern plains, just an hour outside of Tasjun. Knowing their faces were known, the party disguised itself. Immediately upon entering the city, the party witnessed the execution of High Priest Casmir Branko of the Church of Peregrinus at the hands of the Pthoran army, charged for treason and spreading falsehoods among the peoples. Nxiya got a picture, which she sent to the Shinnean government. Walking around, many of the temples were desecrated, but every other building in Tasjun was pristine.

The party snuck away and into an inn called the Dusk’til’Dawn despite being open during the day. This was likely due more to demand than anything. Ross tried to talk to a half-orc adventurer to try and buy passage to Pthora, to little avail. Nxiya and Ouros did their best to get alcohol, but the bartender was convinced Nxiya was too young. Sauri, Aether, Particular, and Izzu met with a skeleton in disguise from Krolik, who was previously a dock worker. Apparently, most of the undead dock workers in Krolik were rehired by the Pthoran army after the invasion, but he left because he didn’t want to live under Pthoran rule. Now he’s stuck under it here in Tasjun. The party briefly considered hiring him until Rosse was approached by a dwarvish man with two-toned black and blonde hair. His name was Henry Smith claimed to be a Shinnean spy looking out for them based on their physical description. He said he was working undercover in the Pthoran army and could convince them that the party were Pthoran citizens trying to get back to Polis. The army began to search for potential “intruders” in the city and the party got the idea to hide in the jail as that was the last place the Ember army would look.

The party spent two days in Tasjun. The first night, there was a book burning, it seems, given the piles of ash and leftover scraps of holy texts littered in the streets. The next day, the army evidently found the tank that had been filled with alarm traps, letting the party know from a mile away that the tank had been found. The next day, the party was let go by Henry and the party made their move to leave Tasjun behind for Krolik.

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