Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Eri Akein
Robert Greenfoot
Slez Blizak
Dancing Sparks 3 [Gilded Slumber] (New Spire City, Ley'Ork)
Plot Synopsis
The party hastily put up defenses in front of the door to stall Dan/David as Lark teleported Dr. Foxworth away to a random location. After sending the door flying and exchanging blows, the party also teleports David away to a random, but closer, location. Unable to contact Foxworth, the party hears a commotion outside and notices Foxworth in a tree, who had dropped the cellstone to not fall. The group made it to Foxworth’s location just in time to see David jumping from the roof of the building, and fighting resumed. They noted how every time David was hit, there would be a flash instead of a wound. After dealing a significant amount of damage, David bled, and fled shortly thereafter. The party regroups briefly at HTUC, then gathers their things from the rooftop and spends the day in Foxworth’s apartment, keeping watch and repairing the door. The next morning, Mr. Shortfellow informs the party that David was seen headed eastward for a new scientist, and so they leave Foxworth behind with means of communicating and take a train to Lightage, where David’s next target lives.
Upon arriving in Lightage, the party heads to the suburban home of Dr. Mary Vís, a much more competent scientist who specialized in the physical wellbeing of the experiments and helped to supervise Project Aislingeach. She informs them that the goal was to create a general who could summon and control Dreamt soldiers, but that all experiments failed. She did not know how Dan survived, but surmised that the strange flashes were a result of the experiments and functioned as a sort of shield. All of the experiments were going to be killed in some way (eg. death penalty) beforehand, and Dan used to be a serial killer. Once the party’s questions were answered, they made a quick trip to the local inn where Dr. Vís paid for two rooms, and the party settled in to make use of her pool while setting up defenses. Mary went to fetch her son Filius to the party, and returned with a ransom note instructing her to bring money to an alley at midnight. The party made preparations, attempted to get help from Shortfellow, and made their way to prepare an ambush. At midnight, Erynn was quickly spotted and shot with a net, and Dr. Vís was soon also netted as the session ended.
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