September 14, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Freya Guntrip
Jason (Veltev)
JB (Aether)
Aubry (Punay)
Orion (Anura)
Jackson (Cheerilee)
Jack Steuber (Sauri)
Levi (Robert Greenfoot)
Keith (Babbdi)


Big Blue Skies - Session 3 [GILDED SLUMBER]

Plot Synopsis

After saving the Chromatic Bird from the Glimmerpaw, it explains to the party that 'invaders' have been threatening the woods and asks for them to take care of it in its stead as it is injured and cannot effectively fight. It escorts them to an alcove in the woods where, coincidentally, their somnus collector also indicates that a thinning is near. Upon entering the wooded area, they hear the sound of drums before coming across the invaders that the Chromatic Bird spoke of: The Blue Man Group. After a hard-fought, paint-filled battle the party emerges covered in blue paint but victorious. Soon after, they are given a ride by the Chromatic Bird back to Fort Crescent and return the somnus, get their reward, and make their way up to Aquino for the Winter Solstice Festival.

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