August 31, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Freya Guntrip
Jason (Veltev)
JB (Aether)
Aubry (Punay)
Orion (Anura)
Jackson (Cheerilee)
Jack Steuber (Sauri)
Levi (Robert Greenfoot)
Keith (Babbdi)


Big Blue Skies - Session 1 [GILDED SLUMBER]

Plot Synopsis

The party gathers together on a quest from the Breehart Institute in order to gather a strange material known as somnus for future research. After a brief adventure on a boat, an interaction with the band "Four Goblins, One Trenchcoat," an auspicious encounter with the enigmatic Rag Man, and a run-in with a throat-punching flaming tornado dreamt, the party makes their way to Port Mwera, Ley'Ork where their hunt for somnus begins.

Noteworthy Postgame Events