September 29, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Eri Akein
Robert Greenfoot
Slez Blizak


Dancing Sparks 2 [Gilded Slumber] (New Spire City, Ley'Ork)

Plot Synopsis

Party eats breakfast before contacting Greg to inform where to drop off the cellstones. They then head out, leaving behind some party members to guard Foxworth, and scout possible locations to better defend the scientist. They head to the middle circle of New Spire City, and locate what they find to be Dan’s old hideout in an abandoned warehouse. Orucan locates high quality beer and messages Dan about where he got it. Dan responds that it was already there, and the party laments that their location was revealed and move on to scout the next location, an inner city rooftop in a partially rented out office building that had a Bepis billboard and surrounding taller buildings for better defense. Deciding this was the best location, the party returned to the Queen’s Respite. After collecting and distributing the cellstones, Eri, Robert, and Erynn went shopping for tents and food with Foxworth before making their way to the roof, where they would meet up with Slez, Orucan, and Lark after they scouted the third location. The third location was an abandoned house in the outer city slums, with broken windows and bills addressed to a Jeffery Jerber. They then reconvene on the rooftop and enjoy s’mores, learning that Foxworth messed with Dan’s DNA to enhance it with the Dreaming. Eri briefly hands him a Dreaming cup (Simeon’s campaign) that does nothing, and the party turns in for the night, with Lark keeping watch at Foxworth’s apartment.
The next day, the party on the rooftop has breakfast when two self-proclaimed “heros” appear and demand the release of the “kidnapped” scientist. Two party members are dazed by a pair of goblins, and a giantkin creates a smokescreen for the goblins to run off with Foxworth. Lark rejoins the party as combat ensues, preventing the escape of the goblins with a portal linking the doorway in Foxworth’s apartment to the one on the rooftop, closing it behind him. The party struggles, but manages to save Foxworth (several times) and kill the intruders. Dan is eventually spotted watching the chaos unfold, and Orucan takes a shot at him, resulting in the party racing through the portal with Foxworth. They are drained and currently without a solid way to break the portal’s connection or stop Dan’s approach.

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