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Game Master
Sauri Vix
Ouros Parn
Brain Freeze [Gilded Slumber] Game 2; The Icemen Cometh (Dzienne, Nahrul, Cahyali)
Plot Synopsis
Nxiya met with the party before they were all shoved into a portal and met with General Reginald Thornberry, currently leading the Shinnean force on Nahrul from Dzienne. Despite being a bit wild and probably incompetent, General Thornberry provided necessary information to the party on the size and scope of the Ember army. He sent them north towards the Aghsdof mountains because fighting across the trenches would be too dangerous.
At the end of the first day of travel, the party set up camp. Rosse took first watch and saw a strange wolf-like figure in the shadows, but thought nothing of it. In the morning, while traveling, the group was ambushed on the road by a small squadron of Ember army scouts wielding weapons called “Frostwerfers” that were essentially flamethrowers but for ice. The party killed all but one of them, who they interrogated for information. Sauri used his magic to remove their desire to fight for the Ember army while Aether and Izzu interrogated him. Rosse used his magic to send pieces of the Frostwerfers to the Vormaxians as well as a few notes warning about a coming attack on Dzienne. The party continued on, coming up to the base of the mountain near nightfall. Unfortunately, the party was spotted during Aether’s watch by some metal wolves who ran away presumably to alert the Ember army. The party moved locations, placing their tent in a massive hollow tree trunk.
Nxiya set up an alarm, but accidentally set it too loud. When a chipmunk accidentally set it off, the party was forced to run as the alarm alerted everything in a 1 mile radius to their presence. They left the tent behind after Nxiya set another alarm trap for whoever tried to open the tent. The game ended with the party seeing a strange being off in the distance almost as tall as a part of the mountain, moving through a valley. Nxiya got a picture of the top of its head.
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