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Game Master
Sauri Vix
Ouros Parn
Brain Freeze [Gilded Slumber] Game 1; Break the Ice (Siren's Landing, Shinneok, Cahyali)
Plot Synopsis
The party met with a Shinnean government worker inside a cathedral of Saint Vormaxia in Siren’s Landing. Given that Siren’s Landing is mostly a military garrison, this was a bit odd. The party was each given 300 gold up front with the promises of more if they would comply with some demands. The Vormaxian researchers at Siren’s Landing needed some inspiration for inventions to make in order to allow Shinneok to keep up in the war. As such, the party’s goal is to sneak past the front lines and obtain whatever Pthoran technology and blueprints they can find. Their eventual goal is to sneak into Pthora and steal some prints directly, sneaking out through the southern parts of Pthora.
The party was given two days to prepare and gather equipment before the Shinnean military teleports the group near the front lines in Nahrul.
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