Game Master
Dawn of a new Era (WALC)
Plot Synopsis
This was a legendary game ran in person. It took just short of 7 hours. During this game, adventurers were tasked with figuring out why a warlord of Centralias ruins has become invulnerable to damage and immortalized. In doing so, they used the abandoned sewer system to sneak into the warlords camp. They kidnapped and interrogated someone, before going into camp and... fucking up their own plan. They went straight to the 10's on chaos. Rik turned into a dragon to draw attention away from the group before time shifting away.
The second half of session took place at Lady Gwen Cromwells manor where a multi hour fight took place. They fought their way through, using an antimagic field to dispel Lord Reeves invulnerability temporarily. Killing him and getting to the vault beneath her manor. While inside, they fought Lady Gwens robot, and then her. Eventually removing her invulnerability too.
The invulnerability was coming from a divine powder made from the blood of Asphodel. The firstborn of Rudri and Ra millenia ago. A forgotten godling and now under the clutches of evil. Leading this entire operation was Glasya, who taunted the party that they were playing into her hands (which they ARE). Before taking some stuff and teleporting away.
Noteworthy Postgame Events