Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Eri Akein
Robert Greenfoot
Slez Blizak
Vijaya Stevie
Dancing Sparks 1 [Gilded Slumber] (New Spire City, Ley'Ork)
Plot Synopsis
The party met Gregory “Greg” Shortfellow, a gnome man who works as an HTUC representative. He hired the party to protect Sparkpoint scientists from an escaped experiment turned serial killer known as Dan, offering 800 gp, deducting for each scientist they fail to protect. He also informs them that a detective, an Ibis Spheniscine with a silly straw pipe, would be aiding via investigation Dan separately. After gathering information and a way to keep in touch with Mr. Shortfellow, the party did some shopping, the most notable purchase being 5 live chickens, and went to visit the scientist they were to protect.
Dr. Nikolai Foxworth, a nervous halfling, let them into his apartment. The party quickly set up a very secure alarm system of loud chickens by the door and a glass on a chair. After much debate, and after scouting the location and taking note of entrances and exits, the party makes contact with Greg again to try to secure a safer location, as well as a way for the party to communicate with each other for the duration of the job.
Eventually, Dan was spotted by Orucan, who followed him far enough to ensure he would not return immediately. Calming down the panicking Foxworth, they revised their plan and decided to move to an inn for the night. They set up three rooms at The Queen’s Respite, with Eri setting up an alarm in Foxworth’s, Lark’s, and Slez’s room. Robert placed a chair in front of the door being shared with NPC and Orucan, and Erynn, Vijaya, and Eri took the remaining room. They settled in for the night, planning to scout out more secure locations in the morning.
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