September 21, 2024

Game Start Date
Game End Date
Game Master
Fallyn (Paige)
Jessie Shields (Maddox)
Zhianshi (Hunter)
Skib (Andres)
Nuno (Luin A.)
Iam Lyon (Louie C.)
Vulvenaar (Audra)
Domino (Gilly H.)


Stormwatch I [Gilded Slumber] || Ley'Ork, Cahyali

Plot Synopsis

Listen close, children, as I tell you the tale of my freedom.

It began in a city bathed in sunset, at the top of a silent spire. Eight adventurers, none of particular social nor moral merit, gathered after being called together through airwaves, and dreams, and letters. A man met them there, calling himself Stephen Rykers. An agent for Ley’Ork.

His mission for them: infiltrate the laboratories to the south, Sparkpoint, and exfiltrate two researchers. One man, one woman - one human, one elf, both dressed in red robes. Ryker, of course, would accompany them. His rewards: a handy sum of money for most, and a convenient blind eye for the two revolutionaries. Coins are handed out to each of them: National Security and Intelligence Division identifiers - permits for magic.

The group accepted, and made their way back to the street and onto a train bound for the laboratory. On the way to the front doors, the party discussed their plan, involving many bombs and a few magical spells. Upon arriving, Rykers used his coin to gain access through the front doors… despite the lab being entirely empty, it being after hours.

A security camera is on in the corner. Barely audible is an otherworldly breath.

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